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Sorry, There Will Be No Nude Terrence Howard Dancing Video


No Nude Terrence Howard Dancing Video... For Now

For all of you out there hoping to see a video of a naked Terrence Howard dancing and singing, this is a sad day for you. Yes, it would seem that Howard has made a deal with this ex-wife so she will not be releasing the video she claims to have.  

While it’s heart breaking to learn that the world will never be graced with the images of his penis flopping in the wind as he dances and sings to Whitney Huston’s classic “I’m Every Woman” (this is not a fact, I have no idea what song he was singing and dancing to, but who doesn’t sing and dance when that song comes on), but we did learn a little more about Howard’s marriage to Michelle Ghent. Apparently they liked to spend most evenings getting high on weed, cocaine, or ecstasy, and watching some pornography. Sounds like a pretty good time. But now that Howard has split from Ghent, he is a changed man, at least that is what he says.    

"I refuse to get high, I refuse to watch porn." 

Ghent wanted a little more money since Howard’s show Empire has become a hit. Howard didn’t want to, but then upon learning that Ghent was ready to sell his nude dancing and singing video, Howard changed his mind. Does anyone else think that if Howard has another hit TV show or movie we are going to be talking about this video again? Also, refusing to watch porn? It’s hard out there for a Terrence Howard.