Ever Laugh So Hard Your Nipple Pops Out? Lia Marie Johnson Has.
Nothing beats a good laugh. You know the kind you can’t help but laugh loud, maybe you fall over, and when you are done you’re whole body hurts. Of course sometime laughing this hard can have unforeseen consequences like peeing a little or in the case of Lia Marie Johnson, your boob might pop out.
In case you are wondering who Lia Marie Johnson, she’s some kind of YouTube star or singer or something. I know this nip slip is on some video of her "Off-Roading and Cave Jumping in Cozumel", and I know she laughed so hard her nipple peeked out from behind her bikini top. All I’m really wondering about is what is so funny. Maybe a clown just did a belly flop into a river full or someone told the greatest knock-knock joke ever or maybe they saw a fish that looked like Randy Newman, all of those things could cause laughter great enough to expose a nipple.
Hey, it happens to all of us, well not so much a nipple slipping out of a bikini, but we’ve all laughed so hard we exposed something we didn’t plan on. Only in the case of Lia Marie Johnson it’s probably the sexiest result of a good laugh ever recorded in human history.