Go See Casey In January at The Stockroom!
Porn star Casey Calvert is hosting a seminar titled “BDSM: From Reel to Real” about the differences between BDSM play in porn and in real life on Saturday, January 16, at The Stockroom in Los Angeles.
“Thank you so much to Stockroom University for hosting my seminar on sex, adult movies, and BDSM. I’m excited to teach the seminar, so I can help people realize the real-life versions of their favorite BDSM scenes. I can’t think of a better forum for this class than the Stockroom,” Calvert said in a press release.
I personally think that all of the education you can get on BDSM is great and Stockroom's "Stockroom University" is a super place to go learn from experts how to do what you want to do and have the best time possible. Calvert is passionate about her love of BDSM, too, so you know you are going to get great tips from her.
Calvert will demonstrate various bondage positions and answer any questions about fetish, BDSM, and porn as well as how they all intersect.
To pick up tickets o this seminar, click right here.