No Way This Is All The Sexy Adriana Lima Photos
This isn't it. There is no way this is all of them. Two pics of Adriana Lima in lingerie and an Instagram post? No. No way, no sir, nada, not possible, I don't believe you, it can't be true, nope, nope, nope. There simply has to be more sexy Adriana Lima pics that go with this collection.
I'm sorry, I can't believe it. Adriana Lima is unbelievable sexy in both of these pics and that fact alone is what is leading to believe that these can't be the only pictures. That's impossible. There is no way any photographer, professional or otherwise, would snap two pictures and call it day. No way. Adriana Lima's ass alone deserves at least 10 pictures of their own. And what about her cleavage? Are you trying to tell me that there wasn't a single image of Adriana Lima's cleavage in this sexy lingerie that was worth sharing with the world? Come on. Come! on! There is no way on God's green earth that these are only usable pictures of Adriana Lima in lingerie. I can't believe it, I won't believe, I refuse to believe it.
You know, it almost makes want to protest and not look at these sexy pictures of Adriana Lima... but I'm totally not going to do that. It's Adriana Lima in lingerie after all. Two pictures of Adriana Lima in lingerie is way better than no pictures of Adriana Lima in lingerie.
photos by Jerome Duran
video via Adriana Lima on Instagram
For more sexy pics and videos of Adriana Lima, head over to Mr. Skin.