Give These Stars What They Desire!
What we spend our money on says a crap ton about us as people, but what about the things porn stars put on their Amazon wish lists? Here are some very interesting items that your favorite porn stars are hoping their No. 1 fans pick up for them to get their attention and/or as a show of gratitude, summer heat, affection, and/or allegiance:
Edyn Blair
Blair wants this awesomely named isometric band set to work out with. Spend $39 and treat her to the Glute Blaster Band.
Syren De Mer
De Mer has her pussy licked by Amara Romani for our viewing pleasure and De Mer would like this $74 tabletop fountain for her home.
Marica Hase
Hase cannot live on cocksucking alone and she would love to chow down on the contents of this $19 instant ramen variety box. Hook her up!
Lauren Phillips
Phillips is shown here having her boobs enjoyed by Summer Day but what Phillips would really also enjoy is watching one of her cats do laps on this $199 cat exercise wheel.