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Arianny Celeste Has a Heavenly Body


Eternity With Arianny Celeste Sounds Wonderful

The name Celeste comes from the Latin word meaning “heavenly,” so, it’s not surprising that Arianny Celeste is named Arianny Celeste. One look at her body and you know what heaven looks like.  

I have never had a near death experience, so I can’t speak from experience, but when I die and they lay me to rest, I want to go to the place that’s the best. And to me, that best place is anywhere that contains Arianny Celeste. Forget the bright white light, the choir of angels, and the feeling of comfort—I’ll take normal, like a boombox playing some Kool Moe Dee, and the feeling I’ll be having is one of total excitement because Arianny Celeste will be wearing something similar to what she has on in these pictures—either the super sexy lingerie or the one-piece, see-through number; I’m not picky. Sure, some people hope that when they pass they will spend eternity with family members, friends, and JFK, but as for me I can think of nothing better than Arianny Celeste in lingerie for all time.  

Look, I wouldn’t call myself a religious man, but Arianny Celeste’s body makes me believe in heaven. There has to be a higher power or something out there. There is has to be something out there powerful enough to create such a beautiful woman. Seriously, what a beautiful heavenly body.

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