Another Bikini, Same Hailee Steinfeld
Oh, hey Hailee Steinfeld in bikini, long time no see. While I know none of us would ever forget how amazing you look in a bikini, it’s so great to get such a wonderful reminder.
Unlike getting a reminder to go to the dentist or that your college loan interest has now doubled the amount you owe, seeing Hailee Steinfeld in a bikini again and again will only increase the levels of joy and happiness in your life. Yes, there’s just something about seeing Hailee Steinfeld in a different bikini from the last one we saw her in to bring back all those wonderful feelings. It’s not the same feeling as when we first saw her in a bikini; it’s a different feeling, and some would say a better feeling. Because seeing Hailee Steinfeld in a bikini just keeps getting better and better. It doesn’t matter the cut, the color, the style, the place, the weather, or the time of year. When we see Hailee Steinfeld wearing a bikini, for a moment all things are right with the world.
I almost want to say that this is my favorite bikini that Hailee Steinfeld has worn, but I know that she will be in another soon and that one will become my favorite. Then again, who says you can’t have more than one favorite?
Via Daily Mail