No Need To Hide It When You Are As Hot As Emily Ratajkowski
It’s something that happens to each and every one of us. From undies to bathing suits to pants to any other clothing item that covers of bums, there comes a time when that fabric decides to play Star Trek and take a closer look at Uranus. Yes, I’m talking about wedgies. They happen to all of us and when it does we do our best to try hide what we are doing from the world… unless you are Emily Ratajkowski.
Yes, if you are Emily Ratajkowski you don’t have to cover up the fact that you have a wedgie and are attempting to pull it from the crack of your ass. And why would Emily Ratajkowski hide it? She’s got a beautiful ass and when she has a wedgie it’s cute. Sure, none of us want people to see the sneaky ways we remove undies from our butt, but none of us have the butt of Emily Ratajkowski. If we did, who cares, you’re hot, every thing you do is hot! So, if you have a wedgie Emily Ratajkowski, you fix it however, wherever, and whenever you want.
Look, I never thought I’d find wedgies sexy, but damn it Emily Ratajkowski with a wedgie is pretty damn sexy. And hey, if you don’t find Emily Ratajkowski’s wedgie sexy then just focus on how amazing she looks in this bikini.
Via Emily Ratajkowski on Instagram
For more nude pics and videos of Emily Ratajkowski, head over to Mr. Skin.