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Is This a Real Yoga Pose, Miley Cyrus, or Are You Just Showing Off?



Impressive, Yes. Real Yoga, I Don't Know

What I know about yoga couldn’t fill a posted note, but I know thing I know for sure: Once you are really good at it, you can do all kinds of amazing stretches. I guess Miley Cyrus is really good a yoga because she can do whatever this is, though part of me thinks she’s just making it up as she goes along.  

I mean, doesn’t this yoga move look a little made up? We’ve seen handstands, tabletops, and people bending in ways none of us knew was possible, but legs straight out under your legs, which are also straight out. I have to admit, I simply don't get this yoga move. Sure, Miley Cyrus looks great doing it, but beyond that, I got nothing. Then again, maybe that’s the point of this particular yoga move - just to show off. If that’s the case, then well done Miley, well done. Also, do her yoga pants remind anyone of the opening from Saved by the Bell?  

Look, I could never do this move. There is no way I could get my legs over my arms while I'm bent at the waste. Real or fake, you can’t help but be impressed by the flexibility of one Miley Cyrus.  

Via Miley Cyrus on Instagram

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