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Checking in with Girlsway’s Girl of the Month for May Kristen Scott


Kristen Is Girlsway's Girl Of the Month!

Gorgeous starlet Kristen Scott has been named lesbian sex site Girlsway's Girl of the Month for the month of May and that truly is a super choice. She has a brand new Dream Pairings scene that she got to do through the site as part of being Girl of the Month, meaning she chose her own partners for the scene - Ana Foxxx and Elsa Jean - which looks hella awesome. She also gets to be the company's glossed out ad model for the month and she has what looks like an '80s movie homage/parody lesbian mini-series release coming out from the company on June 12th called "Kristen Scott's Skip Day," and everything of it I have seen so far looks like a hell of a lot of fun. It is directed by Alan E. (AKA Stills By Alan), so it's probably going to be fun, hot and filled with well-shot lesbian vignettes.

Scott is a hardworking, beautiful star and it's truly great seeing her get this push from a company. Here's what she has to say about this new experience.

Congrats on being Girlsway's Girl of the Month for May! How does it feel to be given that honor?

"Wow, it feels surreal, to be quite honest! I have always loved working with Girlsway. Every time I’m on a Girlsway set it is a fun and stress-free experience. It truly is an honor!"

What did you love most about Girlsway and the Girlsway production staff?

"I love Girlsway because it has the most incredible fan base! Everyone is so kind and involved, not to mention the production staff is a collection of my favorite people to have on set! There are always plenty of laughs to go around. The whole crew works so well together."

What do you think makes Girlsway's scenes special?

"I think what makes their scenes so special is their ability to balance comedy, sticky situations, entertaining story lines, beautiful, sexy women, and genuine, hot, chemistry between the ladies! Where else are you going to find porn that will satisfy you in all these different ways?"

What makes a great girl/girl scene in your experience?

"It’s all about the chemistry! I find that whenever you have that 'something' with someone it makes all the difference."

How does being a Girlsway Girl of the Month rank among your porn experiences to date?

"Like I said before, it truly is an honor! This is the first time I’ve really been recognized for my girl/girl performances. Girl/girl is my absolute favorite to shoot, so it means a lot to know that everyone watching is enjoying my scenes as much as I enjoyed shooting them!"

What do you hope to do in your time with the company as the Girl Of The Month?

"I hope to continue to create killer scenes with the Girlsway crew and interact with Girlsway members and fans as much as I can. I did a Girlsway Instagram takeover on the 1st of May so keep your eyes peeled for some other fun posts and live streams from yours truly!"

What have you been loving most about being a performer in general?

"Well, I’ve always been a pretty sexually active person, so what I love most about being in the industry is my ever-evolving fetishes and kinks. On a daily basis, I get to experience new partners and get to discover new ways to get them and myself off. I also get to experiment with varying scenarios and fantasies--some of which are completely new to me the first time, but then soon become staples of my private and professional sex life."

Other than being a Girlsway Girl of the Month, what else would you most like to achieve in your porn career?

"As far as I’m concerned, being Girlsway Girl of the Month is the pinnacle - I could retire tomorrow and feel just as accomplished had I won some coveted AVN or XBIZ awards. That being said, I would love to one day win at either one of those award shows for 'Best Female Performer'."

What is coming up for you?

"I’ll be traveling to Spain and Italy soon to shoot! I’m really looking forward to internationally. I haven’t been in Europe since I was a teenager. I can’t wait to explore the cities, hopefully relax on a beach in Ibiza, or take a gondola ride in Venice."

Is there anything you would like to say to your fans here at Fleshbot?

"I just want to say thank you to everyone who watches me and supports me in my career, I love you guys, I’d be nowhere without you!"

All of the images and video here appear courtesy of Girlsway. Go check out Scott's Girlsway scenes by clicking right here![jwplayer id="7335532" blog="702" src="/data/videos/straight/006/020/807/776_gotmkristenscott_s01_kristenscott_1080p-16507634_mp4.mp4" alt="" placeholder="/data/videos/straight/006/020/807/776_gotmkristenscott_s01_kristenscott_1080p-16507634_image.png"]

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