Does This Mean There's a Change of a Topless Emma Watson?
Even though we'd rather not admit it, I believe each and every one of us believes that there will never be a time when Emma Watson will go topless. I'm not sure if I read somewhere that she won't do nudity or if I've just convinced myself that's the case, but we all resigned ourselves to living in a world without seeing Emma Watson's boobs. But today, all that has changed. My mind is open to any and all possibilities, thanks to this boob pic of Emma Watson in Vanity Fair.
While most of the other pics from this spread feature a full clothed and kind of awkward Emma Watson, that one photo, the one beautiful photo of a mostly topless Emma Watson photo is so, so, so amazing. It has given me, you, and everyone else on this planet hope that maybe one day in the future Emma Watson will go topless. I also have to say that if it weren't with the Emma Watson cleavage and underboob pic then these photos would have been prime candidates for Confused Boner of the Week. I mean, Emma Watson hanging above a fireplace in a fencing uniform? What the h-e-double hockey stick is going on there?
They say that seeing is believing and after seeing Emma Watson topless wearing what appears to one of those tiny table clothes your grandmother puts on all the end tables, I believe that maybe, just maybe we'll get to live in a world with a topless Emma Watson. Just saying "topless" and "Emma Watson" in the same sentences almost as good as looking at this picture.
Photos via Vanity Fair
For more sexy pics and videos of Emma Watson, head over to Mr. Skin.