Miss those carefree hours spent sitting there at your computer trying to get subservient chickens and virtual bartenders to do dirty things for your amusement before folks started reverse engineering the command lists and spoiling all the fun? We're surpised to see how long it took for someone to rip off adapt the by-now familiar interactive viral formula to feature a pole dancer; she may be every bit as limited in her repetoire as her precedents, but at least she knows what to do with a banana when the opportunity presents itself.
Virtual Stripper (rock1053.com, via Double Viking)
Update More interactive Virtual Whatever wackiness from Brazil's Bavaria Beer, though since you'll presumably have the option of typing commands in Portuguese we suppose it's not that much of a ripoff. (AdLand)
Previously: Virtual Bartender 2, Meet Tammy Plante, "3D Striptease" Game, Build Your Own Lapdance